What is a tagline and why do you need one?
Tagline is a slogan used to promote the brand and company. A tagline focuses on what you do and how you do it instead of just describing your products or services. It helps position your product/service in front of competitive offerings by defining your unique value proposition - that's why you should use one!
It can serve as a reminder and elevator pitch for people who are already familiar with your brand. They get a sense of what you're all about, discover new things, keep coming back for more information, make an impulse purchase, or ready themselves to buy from you when they see the ad on TV.
Examples of good and bad taglines:
- Good: Nike - Just do it (It's short and to the point; just like their products are known for)
- Bad: Apple iMacs - Heart Beats. Think Different. (While this makes sense, it lacks punch.)
- Good: Dove - Real Beauty Sketches
- Bad: Walmart - Save money, live better
Here are other examples of brand taglines : Click here
A tagline plays an important role in the promotion of a business. It sets up your business's core attributes and values in just two or three sentences. Taglines are used to attract more customers, boost sales, increase customer loyalty, build brand recognition and develop top of mind awareness. In order to select the right tagline for your company you first need to determine what is most important to you when looking at potential new businesses.

The more you understand how choosing a tagline can best suit your needs the easier it will be for you to narrow down some options so that you can create several alternatives before settling on one that works well for your company.
How to write a tagline:
1) Brainstorming
The fastest way to come up with some good taglines is to simply brainstorm them. The idea here is to come up with as many ideas as possible and then later narrow them down based on "best fit", that is which ones are most relevant, unique, and memorable (and of course how they work well for your brand/company).
2) Theme Analysis
Next, you want to think about what your business's main theme or marketing message will be in relation to your competition. This should go beyond just an overview of what services or products you offer. What do you plan on doing better than others? Do you have something new that people don't already know? Figure this out and it will make writing a tagline much easier for you; because the next step is to describe what your main theme is in just one or two sentences.
3) Your Brand Promise
After discovering your business's theme/main message, you can then work on expressing that in an even shorter number of words using a tagline. The brand promise should be placed at the beginning of the tagline as it helps let people know right away what kind of product they are dealing with (and also how to judge whether or not they might want to buy from your company).
Make sure that once again this isn't too complicated to understand or read; otherwise, people simply won't pay attention. As previously mentioned, keeping things short and to the point is the ideal and only way to go. The idea is to make a tagline that people will remember right away, but in order for it to be memorable, you also need something catchy or unique.
4) Envision yourself as your target client
This should be done while writing your tagline since it helps you understand how others might read it. It's always important to try and see things from other's perspectives (especially when trying to create effective marketing materials).
Ask yourself "what would I want if I were my own customer?" or even better yet "What would help me decide whether this was a company that I wanted to buy from?". This way you can include elements of what you like into your tagline and hopefully, it will help others choose your company as well.
5) Once you've expressed everything in the tagline
Finally, you'll want to remove any words that don't absolutely have to be there. While some things are necessary and can't be taken out, try to consider if they are really needed or if doing so might not make the tagline stronger. Using fewer words keeps things more simple for customers since less is always better most of the time; especially when you want a tagline that everyone remembers (or at least something catchy enough that people would think about when considering making a purchase from your company).
6) Be creative
Don't just settle for what's easy. Don't use generic or boring taglines when you know that you can do better. If you want your company to stand out then it is up to you to make sure that your tagline does so in a way that makes sense for your brand and also one that isn't something people already see everywhere else.
7) Variations
As mentioned, the best taglines usually have some kind of variation or even short phrase added onto it in order to make it more interesting and memorable than other choices available; while still keeping things simple enough for people to read and remember.
Variations such as slightly different word order, additions like "the" or even just changing the ending slightly (adding an adverb instead of using verb tense). The idea is not only to make sure that what you choose as a tagline is memorable but also one that people will want to share with others.
Bonus Tips
Keep your tagline positive: negative taglines can be off putting and alternative meanings are usually unintentional.
1) Use active verbs
It gives a sense of action, dynamism, and forward-thinking when you highlight your business activity instead of describing existing conditions (avoid "we do" or "we make"). For example, use "We deliver results" rather than "We offer services."
2) Write about what you're known for
The less generic the better; you want the reader not only to recognize your brand but also associate it with an image from their memory that's relevant to them. You're establishing a relationship between yourself and your customers. So try to say something personal that makes them feel good.
3) Be emotional
Share your passion with your customers by telling them the story behind your brand, what makes you different from the competition etc. But be careful not to sound cliche or cheesy in doing so; readers sniff those out easily and will disregard anything that's too overt or sentimental. Make it authentic and genuine!
4) Be specific
State exactly what it is about the business that sets you apart from other similar companies/products. Don't try to cover all products/services provided by the company, but rather focus on one or two main ones while including others if needed (but only if they're 100% relevant!). This will help improve the stickiness and memorability of the tagline.
5) Keep it simple
Don't try to squeeze in more information than necessary; you'll just end up making things complicated, resulting in reduced memorability and lowered effectiveness.
That is the main trick behind a great tagline; something that not only stands out among other choices available (so it gets remembered), but also something people want to talk about and pass on to others.
You don't have to necessarily follow all of these steps yourself either, but they are useful guidelines for making sure your tagline comes out just right and does its job properly. If you can come up with something short, simple, easy to read but also unique and catchy then your business should already be on the right track towards success!
Before coming up with tagline don't forget about your brand name, if you want to know how to create the perfect brand name:- Click here